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The Level Up Podcast

Feb 12, 2021

Today we sat down with Level Up Mentor and all around bad-ass Kayla. She is totally inspiring in how she has not only preserved through her own dark times to find what truly drives her, but also how she broke through her own mental barriers to build the career of her dreams.This short conversation is loaded with golden nuggets and well worth the listen, especially for new grads!Make sure you show Kayla some love and reach out to her if this episode resonated with you! And please keep showing love to the show with reviews, it all helps get this information out!
Episode topics:
:white_check_mark:The struggles faced by injured athletes 
:white_check_mark:The benefits of athletic participation for teens
:white_check_mark:The shortcomings of the biomedical model for physical therapy treatment
:white_check_mark:Career growth
:white_check_mark:Kayla’s advice for new grads Keep connecting:
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